To create a new survey, you can:

1. Click on the ‘+New’ button at the top-right corner of your screen. Then, click on 'Survey'. You can alternatively click on the '+New survey' button in the Surveys Tab, as shown below:  

2. Choose from the survey creation options. 

  1. Start creating from scratch: This will lead you to the next step.
  2. Copy and pasting the questions: You can copy-paste the questions from any word editor to the survey creation module. Click here to learn more about the copy-paste.
  3. Duplicating an existing survey a.k.a cloning: 
    1. Select the survey you wish to duplicate on the next screen.
    2. Once you select the survey, you can preview them in the right pane. 
    3. To choose a specific survey to copy, click on the "Use this" button below the survey name in the left pane. This will lead you to the survey builder by copying all the survey questionnaires, design, and language settings.
  4. Selecting a template from the gallery 
    1. Select the "Template Gallery" option, 
    2. In the left pane, you can see options to toggle between the "Templates gallery" and "Saved templates" in your Freshsurvey account. you can also search or filter the templates. You can filter templates by 
      1. Theme (NPS, CSAT, CES, or Others), 
      2. Function (Marketing, Customer Experience, Product, HR, or Sales), or
      3. Industry (Retail, Service, or Technology).
    3. Once you select the survey, you can preview them in the right pane. 
    4. To choose a specific survey template, click the "Use this" button below the survey name in the left pane. This will lead you to the survey builder by copying all the survey questionnaires, design, and language settings.
  5. Importing a Freshworks Survey Questionnaire file  (*.fsq)
    1. Choose the "Import survey" option from the survey creation screen
    2. Give your survey a name and description
    3. Choose the *.fsq from your system to import into the account.

3. Give your survey a "Name", and a "Description". Then click on 'Save and Next'

4. Click the '+ New question' button to add questions to the survey.


5. You can choose to add multiple-choice (single and multiple answers, long-text answers, Rating scale, Yes/No, Short answer questions, and more. Read more on survey question customization here.

6. Click on ‘Save’ and your survey is created! You can choose to publish the survey and start configuring response collectors as the next step.

Note: The first survey question and the thank you card towards the end of the builder cannot be removed.