In Freshsurvey, you can either opt to render the survey questions one by one in a 'Card' style or display all the questions at once in a 'Classic' form style to your survey audience. 

Under the 'Build survey' select the 'Design setting' in the right pane. You can spot the option to choose 'Card' or 'Classic' style under 'Survey layout'.

An sample for the classic form style layout of the survey quesionnaire. 

Note: If you have any branching logic to a specific questions (viz. Skip logic or Display logic), they will be shown as a separate set or in a separate page and not together in the same page.

Here is a sample screen showing the same survey is in a card-style layout below. Note only one question will be displayed at a time in a card style. So the survey audience needs to click to render the next questions, irrespective of whether branching logic is applied to the question or not.