Let’s get you geared up to gather insightful responses through Freshsurvey. Before sending out surveys using Freshsurvey's Email, Email Embed, Webapp Embed, or Share-a-Link collectors, ensure you have completed the following essential steps. 

Here's a comprehensive checklist to ensure you're all set before launching your surveys. Let's dive in step-by-step:

1. Survey Questionnaire Readiness:

Do you have your survey questions ready? Before anything else, ensure your survey questionnaire is ready and flows logically. Configure skip and display logic to ensure the right question is displayed to the appropriate customer. The survey's structure and questions matter greatly in Freshsurvey for optimal functionality.

2. Personalization Tips:

Freshsurvey allows you to add that personal touch to your surveys:

  • Translation for Respondents: Create surveys for a wider audience by configuring survey translations.

  • DKIM Setting for Email Collector: Ensure email deliverability by setting up DKIM for Email collectors.

3. Survey Frequency:

Understanding and setting the right frequency for your survey matters:

3.1) Deciding Survey Frequency:

One-time surveys: 

  • Suitable for singular outreach, like market research or event feedback. If you intend to send your survey only once to selected contacts, then you choose this. Even if the same contact is requested to render the survey, they will be ignored since the system has already contacted them. 

Recurring surveys:

  •  Ideal for periodic relationship surveys like NPS, mainly used to send your survey at pre-defined intervals. Assume you are a subscription-based business. You might want to reach out to your audience, say once in 6 months, to see how customers perceive and are loyal to your brand. 

Transactional surveys: 

  • Best for triggering surveys post-interaction, such as CSAT surveys. If you want to send your survey on the completion of an interaction, choose transactional as the frequency. For instance, when the support team resolves the case/ ticket, use this frequency to trigger the survey. 

3.2) Things to remember for Survey Frequency:

  • For one-time/recurring surveys, consider using Contacts with or without List and Segment.

  • Ad-hoc survey sending needs special attention while using one-time frequency.

3.3) Unique Aspects of Recurring and Transactional Surveys:

  • Mandatory wait period before resurveying contacts for recurring surveys.

  • Dynamic addition of contacts for Transactional surveys.

  • Anonymously capturing survey responses for Email Embed and Share-a-link collectors.

  • Configuration options for scheduling, delaying, reminders, and link expiry

    • Delay, Reminder, and Link expiry 

Customize delay periods between survey distribution, send timely reminders for pending responses, and control survey access duration by setting link expiry for a streamlined survey experience.

  • Throttling the survey and global survey setting 

Throttle survey distribution rates to manage response influx, while global survey settings provide overarching control over survey parameters for consistent and standardized survey behavior.

  •  Multiple responses for the same survey

Allow multiple submissions for enhanced feedback or restrict respondents to a single response, depending on survey objectives and requirements for comprehensive or unique insights. For example, you want to trigger this survey as a part of all the employee training sessions or part of the customer newsletter

  • Partial responses waiting window

Implement a waiting window for partial responses, allowing respondents to complete surveys within a specified timeframe, ensuring comprehensive feedback collection even for partially completed submissions.

4. Choosing the Right Distribution Channel:

Select the appropriate collector based on your use cases:

  • Email: Utilize Freshworks' native email service for automated survey triggering to the intended audience. Freshsurvey completely manages this trigger.

  • Share-a-link: Distribute surveys through social or internal systems via survey links. So, typically, there is no trigger involved in this collector. As soon as the respondent clicks on the survey link, the survey is rendered to collect the response.

  • Email Embed: Manage the trigger from a third-party email campaign or marketing tool. To a greater extent, this is similar to sharing a link via email. Having said that, this collector gives you the flexibility to embed the 1st question of the survey or even parse additional respondent information to the Freshsurvey.

  • Web App Embed: Incorporate surveys within applications or services for user feedback.

5. Configuring Workflows:

Fine-tune your survey workflow within Freshsurvey for a seamless distribution experience.

Completing these steps will ensure a smoother and more effective survey distribution process using Freshsurvey's various collectors. For any other assistance, please contact our support team at [email protected]