You can host your Freshsurvey account and your surveys on your own domain ( To get started:

Setting up a custom domain

  • Go to 'Settings' on the left navigation bar and click on ‘Custom domain mapping’.
  • Enter a custom domain in the 'Custom domain URL' field in the format ‘’. 
  • Click the 'Generate CNAME' button and copy the CNAME key and value

Mapping your custom domain to Freshsurvey’s domain

  • Login to your domain control panel (DCP)
  • Go to the DNS or Name Servers section
  • Create a new CNAME record and enter your custom URL under the 'Name/Host/Alias' field
  • Under the 'Points to' field, enter the URL shown under the 'Your status page's URL' section in Freshsurvey
  • Enter a time to live (TTL) between 10 minutes to 1 hour, or leave this field in its default settings
  • Save these changes to your DNS record

Creating a CNAME record to verify your custom domain

  • In your DCP, create a new CNAME record. Paste the CNAME key and CNAME value (copied from Step 1) into the 'Name/Host/Alias' and 'Points to' fields respectively
  • Enter a time to live (TTL) between 10 minutes to 1 hour, or leave this field in its default settings
  • Save these changes to your DNS records

Verifying the custom domain on Freshsurvey

  • Go back to the custom domain mapping page in your Freshsurvey account. Click the 'Verify' button.
  • On successful verification, the button will change to a green 'Verified' label
  • Open the custom domain in a new tab or browser to ensure