Freshsurvey now supports multi-lingual surveys. What this means is that you can ensure your customer receives surveys in their preferred language. In this KB article we'll be covering the following points:


How to add languages to new and existing surveys

  • The new-and-improved survey builder features the Languages tab in the panel to the right. 
  • Opening it allows you to set the default language as well as select the languages in which you'd like to show the survey.

  • From the 'Supported language(s)' dropdown, select the languages in which you'd like to display the survey.
  • Click 'Download translation file' to download the survey as a YML file, in the default language and translate the questions into your preferred languages.

  • Once translated, upload the YML by clicking the upload button under the selected language. Ensure you upload the files in YML format. Note, Freshsurvey cannot auto-detect languages as of yet.
  • Once uploaded, toggle the language on to view the translated survey in the preview. We are all set to render the survey in multiple languages now. 

Pro tip: YML files can be edited with any text editor

You can translate the questions and save the translated file with a different name for easy identification. Always remember to save the translated file in a YML format.

How many languages does Freshsurvey support?

Freshsurvey supports 50 languages as of now, which include 

Amharic, Arabic, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Filipino, Finnish, French, German, Greek, 

Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Somalia, Spanish, Spanish (Latin American), Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, and Welsh.

Freshsurvey detects the customer's preferred language based on the customer's contact information or browser settings. If the customer language is undetectable the survey is rendered in the default language. If the customer language is identified and is supported by the survey, then the survey will be displayed in the customer language.

Customers can also change the language of the survey by clicking the language selection dropdown at the top right corner of the screen. The options available to them will be limited by the languages enabled by you.

How do I change the default survey language?

When you create a survey, the default language is chosen based on your language preference in Freshsurvey (Settings > Account Info > Language). When you create an account, this language is set to English. The account's language preference is referred to by default when you create a new survey.

To change the default survey language do the steps below.

  1. Create or edit a survey 
  2. Go to Languages [In the right panel] 
  3. Add a supported language [See above for instructions] 
  4. And select the newly added language under the Default language

Note: Unless a supported language is added, the Default language drop-down will be disabled.

How do I auto-translate survey questions?

Freshsurvey also enables the auto-translation of surveys. This feature is disabled by default but can be enabled. Once enabled, Freshsurvey auto-translates the survey languages as soon as you add them under Supported Languages. This helps you cut down the time taken to translate the questionnaire. 

Note: We use the Google Translate API end-point located in the United States to translate the questions.

To enable auto-translation, go to:

Settings > Translation settings > Enable Live translations for survey questions