Freshsurvey now supports the ability to add Pages (also known as "Sections" or "Question groups") within the survey builder screen. 

Add/ Delete a new page

Below all the active questions (Except the "Thank you"), you will find a floating action button with a plus symbol. Click on that button to add a new page or a question to the survey.

To delete an existing page, click on the "Page" > "..." (more actions) and click on "Delete".

Note: When you delete a page, you can choose the drop the questions as well or choose to append them to the previous or next page.

Page-specific Actions

When you add a new page, you can set page properties such as

  • Identifier: By default, this will be set to Page # (followed by a number)
  • Title: A header to the grouped questions for the survey audience to understand
  • Description: A short writeup explaining the group of questions on a specific page.
  • Mark all questions on the selected page as mandatory: This is a quick shortcut to mark all the questions on a specific page as mandatory or optional.
  • Skip logic: You can choose to set skip logic at a page level. That is, if a user completes responding to all the questions on the page, we can decide what should be the logical next question for the specific responder. This can be decided depending on the audience's response to the questions on the page. 
  • Display logic: Decide to show or hide a specific page depending on either the response provided by the audience or based on the contact fields. 

Note: Display logic will not be available for the first page.

The audience experience

By default, the questions will be rendered one by one if the "Design setting" > "Survey layout" is set to "Card". If you wish to show all the grouped questions on a single page, change the  "Design setting" > "Survey layout" to "Classic".