How the survey moves from one question or page to another can also be customized. This is done using Branching logic viz. Skip Logic and Display Logic. 

What is Skip Logic?

Skip logic lets you create a survey that shows questions/ page to respondents based on their responses. The advantage of implementing question branches is improved response rates, as customers will only see questions/pages relevant to their responses. This is also called jump logic, wherein you can decide what questions are highly relevant for a specific question to respond to.

Read more about Skip Logic and how you can configure it here.

What is Display Logic?

Display logic is a survey setting that allows you to ensure that only relevant questions/ pages are shown and irrelevant questions/ pages are hidden from your customers. The decision to hide or show questions or a page can be configured based on the responses shared by your customers or the contact field attributes you've added.

Read more about Display logic and how you can configure it here