Display logic is a survey setting that allows you to ensure that only relevant questions/ pages are shown and irrelevant questions/ pages are hidden from your customers. The decision to hide or show questions or a page can be configured based on the responses shared by your customers or the contact field attributes you've added.

Display logic can be accessed by:

Editing or creating a survey and selecting Question/ Page settings in the panel to the right.  

Show and hide questions/ pages using Display logic

Display logic allows you to show or hide a specific question or a page. You have the option to show a question/ page based on an answer or based on the contact's details. You also can show a question/ page based on the rating group for your NPS, CSAT, CES, or eNPS question viz positive, negative, or neutral.

Once you've selected the basis on which the question or page is shown or hidden, you can configure a series of conditions to specify exactly when a question/ page should be shown or hidden from a respondent. You can string a series of conditions where based on the response and the contact's details (e.g., location).

Display logic works in conjunction with Skip logic. While Display logic governs whether a question/ page is shown or hidden, Skip logic governs where the next step should be headed - This can be to either show a question/ page or even end the survey. For best results, ensure the questions on which display logic is set are placed one after the other. As customers move from question to question, Skip logic ensures they follow the correct sequence, and Display logic checks whether the question is to be shown or hidden.