What is a segment?

Segments are dynamic contacts lists that are created using specific and/or conditions. The conditions could be based on several factors including email domains, dates, and user activity. As users meet the specified conditions, they are added to the segment.

Since contacts in a segment share certain attributes, crafting surveys with these attributes in mind could help increase response rates and gather useful insights.

Contact vs list vs segment

  • A contact refers to the unique attributes that are assigned to a single customer or respondent. Contacts can be grouped to create lists or segments
  • As explained above, lists are a one-time grouping of contacts
  • A segment refers to a grouping of contacts based on a specific set of conditions. Any contacts that match the conditions (even after the segment is created) will be added to the segment.

Creating a segment

1. From any screen, click the '+New' button to the top right corner, and then, click 'Segment.' If you haven't created any segments before, you can also click the '+New segment' button to get started.


2. Give your segment a name

3. Specify segment conditions. You can add multiple conditions to further narrow down the contacts to which you wish to reach out 

Freshsurvey's segments supports 'All/Any' 

Click 'Refresh contacts' to see the contacts that meet the conditions and 'Save' to finish creating the segment