Personalizing the workflow actions for the email and webhook triggers

Freshsurvey workflow actions such as 'Send an Email', 'Send an email to the respondent' and 'Trigger webhook' can be personalized with the below placeholders

  • Contact fields viz. First name, last name, Full name
  • Your Account specific information viz. Company name
  • Survey placeholders viz. Survey name
  • Response viz. Rating given
  • Transactional fields - Any custom/ event property that has been passed along with the trigger/ survey render request.

Transactional placeholder in the workflow

Note, the Transactional placeholder will only work if your trigger 'Event' is set to 'Every time a specific survey is responded' and the survey you want this workflow to trigger is also selected. 

If you are configuring for a transactional survey, You can add the transactional properties as placeholders in the Email (Message or Body) or in the Webhook trigger payload. 

To add the transactional placeholders, you need to pass it in this format only:



  1. Replace <transaction_property> with the transactional property that you wish to send in the transactional request payload. 

  2. The placeholders will be resolved only if that particular transactional property is present in the request payload else it will be blank. 

  3. Please do not include the datatype along with the transactional property as it should be in the request payload like <transactional_property>_datatype. For placeholders, you just need to pass it as transaction.<transactional_property> within double parentheses.

For example, let's say you wish to personalize the CSAT rating with the agent’s name and you have passed in the transactional_property as ‘agent_name’. Then the transactional placeholder will be {{transaction.agent_name}}.