What are lists?
Lists are a specific, one-time grouping of contacts. While more contacts can be added to a list, this process is a manual one.

Contact vs list vs segment

  • A contact refers to the unique attributes that are assigned to a single customer or respondent. Contacts can be grouped to create lists or segments
  • As explained above, lists are a one-time grouping of contacts
  • A segment refers to a grouping of contacts based on a specific set of conditions. Any contacts that match the conditions (even after the segment is created) will be added to the segment.

Create a new list and simultaneously add contacts:

1. Click on the '+New' button to the top-right corner of your screen and click 'List.' If you haven't created any lists before, click the '+ New list' button in the middle of the screen

2. Give the list a name (mandatory). Choose to import contacts via a CSV, XLS or XLSX file.

3. Match the file column to the contact fields as shown and click 'Save'

Adding contacts to a new or existing list:

1. Navigate to 'Contact management' in the left sidebar, and select 'Contacts'

2. Using the checkboxes, select the contacts you'd like to add to a list

You can either add the selected contacts to a new list or an existing one by clicking 'Create new list' or 'Add to list' respectively

3. In case of a new list, give the list a name and a description. Once the contacts have been added to a list, you will be taken to the list

Note: When contacts already in Freshsurvey are added, the fields are updated and only one copy of the contact is maintained

Import contacts in bulk and add them to a list

You can also add multiple contacts by uploading a file. This process allows you to add contacts to a new or an existing list. Here's how:

1. Click the '+New' button at the top right corner and select 'Import contacts'

2. In the 'Import contacts' menu, click to upload a file with your contacts. Freshsurvey supports CSV, XLS and XSLX files

3. Select the list you'd like to add the contacts to and map the contact fields to the fields added to Freshsurvey