Once your survey is built and ready to be shared via Freshsurvey's native email collector, you then are required to select the survey frequency. 

Under the 'Collect responses' tab:

1. Choose 'Transactional' survey to send this survey on completion of any interaction. These types of surveys are ideal for CSAT surveys. 

2. Choose  'One-time survey' to send this survey just once to your audience. These types of surveys are ideal for market or customer research, and opinion surveys.

3. Choose the 'Recurring survey' option to send the survey at regular or defined intervals. These surveys are ideal for NPS, relationship, or branding surveys.

These surveys offer a snapshot in time and give you an idea about how things are for your respondents at the particular point in time that the survey was administered.

Once you choose the survey frequency, the next step is to choose your target audience and schedule your email. To learn how to click here