Throttling ensures that the same person, identified by their email address or phone number, isn’t sent or shown a survey more than once in a set time period. This helps avoid over-surveying or survey fatigue, and gives you control over how often your respondents can be surveyed! Freshsurvey lets you define survey triggers and response windows for effective throttling.

1. You can choose to delay the first survey by a certain number of days from the moment your user lands on your website, or a contact is created in your database.  

2. If the customer doesn't respond, you can send reminders to ensure effective follow-up. You can also set the survey link to expire after a certain number of days, from the last reminder.

4. You can also choose to close the response window after a certain number of responses, or, a fixed date or time.

Note: 1 and 2 are only valid for email and web-app embed collectors