Freshsurvey allows you to send surveys in 48 languages. If you have surveys configured in languages that are different from the language in which you use Freshsurvey, a few checks happen at the user's end, which helps us decide in which language the survey should be shown.

1st line of checks: The contact's language

It's possible to add and populate a 'Language' contact field in your Freshsurvey Contacts database.

When a survey is sent to a customer, this field is checked and the survey is displayed in the matching language.

2nd line of checks: The default browser language

If the contact field for language hasn't been added or populated, the respondent's default browser language is checked. If it matches with the languages in which the survey has been configured, the survey is displayed in that language.

3rd line of checks: The end-user's preference
If, for some reason, the first two checks are unsuccessful in detecting the customer's preferred language, the default language in which the survey was created is chosen. However, respondents have the option of changing the language by selecting the appropriate one from the top-right corner of the survey screen.

Note: The survey will be displayed in the language of the contact and browser only if that language is added as a 'Supported Language' in the survey. In all cases, if the identified language is not present as a supported language, the survey will be displayed in the default language.