Product version: v2.0


The newest version of Freshsurvey includes some of the most awaited, and very useful updates, like the inclusion of CSAT and CES surveys themes, the rating scale and dichotomous question formats, transactional or customer touchpoint surveys, the ability to trigger ad-hoc surveys, and so much more!

New features

1. CSAT and CES surveys as two new themes

Beyond the current support for NPS surveys, Freshsurvey now includes support for CSAT and CES surveys as well. 

Along with this release, we have also added 18 new templates taking our count of default survey templates to 26. (8 NPS templates, 11 Customer satisfaction survey templates, 7 Customer effort score survey templates). 

2. Two new question types

  • Rating Scale, which features smileys, stars, text, and numerical rating scales.  Scales can feature 3, 4, 5, 7, and 10 rating options. 
  • Dichotomous question for two-scale rating. This can be implemented as a yes-or-no type question or in a thumbs-up/down format.

Account admins can also change what the score shared by the customer means. For instance, on a 7 scale rating, a score of 1 or 2 can be configured to mean a negative score, 3–5 could be neutral and anything above 5 could be a positive score. Freshsurvey offers admins complete control over this feature.

3. Survey prompt question

Before rendering the survey through the web app embed channel, admins now have the option to introduce a qualifier question. This qualifier asks whether the customer is willing to participate in a survey. We call this a “Prompt question” as a part of the survey settings.

4. Transaction survey and ad-hoc survey requests

Be it CSAT or CES surveys, there’s a strong need to trigger these surveys dynamically or ad hoc. We now officially support transactional surveys as a survey frequency to accommodate customer touchpoints or transactional surveys. 

Beyond these, static contacts (lists) or dynamic contacts (segments) can be set as an audience for CSAT and CES surveys. We have also extended the capability to send an ad-hoc request to both one-time and recurring surveys as well. 

5. Ad-hoc survey request with context payload and ability to filter using them under the Responses tab.

Any ad-hoc requests (or payload) can now include the transactional context as well e.g. a ticket ID, purchase ID, order ID, conversation ID, customer purchase status and more. We are retaining such context information across the survey lifecycle and making it available for the users to filter them in the “Responses” tab based on the context parsed to Freshsurvey.

6. Workflow automation now includes CSAT/ CES rating based conditions as well. 

7. Dedicated CSAT and CES Dashboards

Two new exclusive dashboards for CSAT & CES themes and 10 new curated reports.

In addition to the current NPS dashboard, we have added two new dashboards for CSAT and CES surveys. These dashboards help you get insights quickly across the selected theme, be it the score, distribution trends, feedback, responses insights, and channel performance as well.  

These individual widgets have been further broken down into curated reports under the analytics tab for both CSAT and CES surveys.

Enhancements and improvements:

As a part of our continuous product improvement efforts, we spoke to a few customers who shared their feedback on how the UI can be made more intuitive. Based on the feedback, we’ve made the following enhancements:

1. Survey Settings, Design Setting, and Preview (FAB - floating action buttons) have been moved from the right side button FAB icons to the “Customize” and “Survey settings” sections on the left pane.

2. Add bulk choices: We made it easy to add choices in bulk to the “Multichoice - Single answer” and “Multichoice - Multiple answers” question types.

3. Email collector under the configure channel step, now has the ability to add either the 1st question or a button say for example “Take a survey” in the email body.