The dashboard is where you'd typically start once logged in to Freshsurvey. Dashboards also present a detailed look at all the data collected from the surveys you've sent so far. 

Dashboard types

Freshsurvey has four dashboards. The first one is common across all the surveys, and the other 3 are specific to themes viz. NPS, CSAT, and CES. Each dashboard comes with 4 to 5 pages of reports. Each page consists of different widgets to bring you the key metrics, its trend and more.,

A total of four dashboard pages can be used to look at the data collected from different points of view:

1. Summary

It gives you an overview of your themed surveys viz. NPS score, CSAT score, or CES score. It further includes widgets to show the distribution, trend, the number of responses received, how the scores are split, the change over time, and more.

2. Strengths/ Opportunity or Feedback

For the NPS dashboard, the feedback will be split into Strength and Opportunity pages, whereas for other themed dashboards viz. CSAT and CES, you will see the Feedback is presented on a single page.

For the CSAT and CES dashboards, the feedback page brings you the driver question's feedback shared by the respondents. Helping you understand why they gave a positive, neutral, or negative score.

The NPS strengths dashboard page revolves around promoters. Use it to understand what promoters are saying and track positive movements(passives and detractors turned promoters)

The NPS opportunities dashboard page is devoted to passives and detractors. Use it to understand what they are saying and track negative movements (promoters or passives turned detractors and promoters turned passives)

3. Responses

This dashboard gives you an overview of the kind of responses your surveys receive, including the number of responses with and without comments, the split between partial and complete responses, how much time the respondents are taking to complete the survey from the initial survey render, and more.

4. Channels

This dashboard can be helpful in understanding how well channels perform when customers are most likely to respond and more.