When you log into your Freshsurvey account, the level of access available depends on your user type. A user’s type is set when they are first invited to Freshsurvey, but it can be edited at any time from the user management page by an account admin.

Types of user roles

There are three access roles available to a Freshsurvey user, namely:

Admins can create and manage surveys, add workflows, control users permissions, import/export data, and everything else. Only admins have access to the account’s user information and the ability to manage users. If you do not have admin access within Delighted, reach out to your company’s admin to request access.

An Analyst has access to the dashboard view, as well as the reports view. Along with viewing responses, the analyst can choose to export reports and responses, if the need may arise. 

Read-only user
A Read-only user simply has view access to the survey setup, contact lists, the workflow, responses and the dashboard. This type of user cannot make any changes to the existing account.

Learn how to invite new users here.