The Contact tab stores the contact data for everyone you've surveyed, no matter what channel you’ve used. The contact tab highlights the types of contact statuses.

1. Active

Active status holders are all the respondents that you have sent (or scheduled) a survey, except those who have unsubscribed or bounced.

2. Inactive (a.k.a deactivated)

An intermittent state that can be set by the user to stop sending any surveys to certain customers.

3. Unsubscribed

These users are customers who have voluntarily opted out to receive any future surveys from your company. Customers can unsubscribe via a link in your survey email's footer.

4. Blocked

Like customers who've unsubscribed, these customers do not receive any surveys. However, the key difference is that blocked contacts need to be manually added to the blocklist by a Freshsurvey account user.