The first question from your survey can be embedded in a 3rd party marketing or email platform and distributed. In such a case, the HTML snippet can be edited before adding to the email. 

The HTML snippet is configured to collect the contact's email, first name, and last name fields. However, you can include additional contact fields by adding and mapping them in the 'Include additonal contact fields' section.

Note: It's important to understand the contact field attributes followed by Freshsurvey and the software in which the survey is to be embedded.

In the image below, the left column 'Contact field' shows Freshsurvey's contact field attributes, and in the right column 'Field value', the user needs to add the contact field attributes used by the external software. Ensure these are mapped correctly while configuring the collector. 

In the external software, the contact field attributes may be referred to by different names such as merge tags, personalization tags, liquid tags, contact placeholders, etc. 

Learn more about the email embed collector here: Email-embed collector - An overview

(Contact fields in Freshsurvey can be viewed and added by going to the Settings menu in the left navigation bar > Contact fields)