What are workflows?

Workflows are automated actions that can be performed based on pre-defined conditions. While enabling automation, workflows can be triggered as soon as a response meets certain criteria, or a series of automated events can be triggered by a user against a specific response. These are automated and manual workflows, respectively.

Workflows can be created for all types of surveys in Freshsurvey. You can have multiple workflows for NPS surveys, CSAT, and CES surveys as well. Once you go to the workflow tab, you will there are 10 pre-set workflows for the survey types. You can create up to 30 workflows. 

Types of workflows

Automated workflows:

Automated workflows follow a 'condition-action' structure. When a new survey response is received or a customer unsubscribed from your surveys, it's cross-checked against a set of user-defined conditions. If the conditions are met, an action, chosen by the user, is performed.

Manual workflows:

These workflows are triggered by the user to complete a pre-defined action. Manual workflows can be triggered from any customer response

Creating an automated workflow

To create an automated workflow, click on Workflows, in the left navigation bar.

1. Click the +New workflow button to create a new Workflow and give it a name.

2. Create an automated workflow by selecting the ‘Automated’ toggle.

3. Automated workflows follow an ‘Event,’ ‘Condition,’ and ‘Action’ flow. When an event occurs i.e. when a survey gets a new response, the system matches the details of the event against user-defined conditions and performs a user-defined action.

Event: Freshsurvey registers three types of events:

a) Every time a survey is responded

b) Every time a contact is unsubscribed

c) Every time a specific survey is responded 

Condition: Users can ensure a contact or response matches one or more specific conditions or one among several conditions. This is configured using an Any/All function that applies to individual conditions as well as condition groups. Conditions can be applied based on NPS/CSAT/CES scores, audience segments, contact lists, survey channels, and contact fields.

Action: Once Freshsurvey matches conditions and filters the responses or contacts, it can automatically perform various actions like: 

a) send out an email to respondents

b) trigger a webhook integration

c) tag the reactions, or favorite them

d) Update a contact

and so much more. Multiple actions can be configured under each workflow.

When it comes to emails, users have to define the ‘from’ and ‘reply to’ addresses, add a subject line and pre-header, insert placeholders and customize the email copy.

Creating a manual workflow

To create a manual workflow, click on Workflows, in the left navigation bar.

1. Click the +New workflow button to create a new Workflow and give it a name.

2. Create a manual workflow by selecting the ‘Manual’ toggle.

3. With manual workflows, only actions can be triggered. Currently, the supported actions include sending an email, triggering a webhook integration, tagging the response, or favouriting them.

When it comes to emails, users can define the ‘from’ and ‘reply to’ addresses, add a subject line and pre-header, insert placeholders and customize the email copy.